Coubertin Quote for Aug, 04
Athletae proprium est se ipsum noscere, ducere et vincere. It is up to the athlete to know, to govern and to conquer himself.

Latin was one of Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s favorite teaching tools. He never hesitated to call upon the philosophy of the ancients—and use their axioms—to motivate modern athletes to extend their commitment to sport and to themselves.  In the context of education, he believed modern sport could lead to high levels of individual discipline as the competitor begin to understand his full capabilities, recognize his shortcomings and learn how to best leverage his talents and training.  Today’s quote is drawn from the Baron’s speech, The Educational Use of Athletic Activity, which he delivered to the International Bureau of Sports Pedagogy in November, 1928 in Lausanne.

“Athletae proprium est se ipsum noscere, ducere et vincere. It is up to the athlete to know, to govern and to conquer himself. This text may come across as pretentious, since it reflects both Socrates and St. Paul. In any event, it certainly cannot be found lacking in truth. The athlete who, through perseverance in training, hopes to win a prize that his own lack of exceptional natural ability fails to guarantee him is drawn to this threefold obligation of knowing himself, governing himself, and conquering himself.”