Coubertin Quote for Jul, 23
Olympism is a great, quiet piece of machinery. Its gears do not screech and its movement never stops.Share
Baron Pierre de Coubertin always intended for the Olympic Movement to be a permanent fixture on the world sports scene. As he envisioned it, once launched, the great global machinery of sport would expand incessantly from nation to nation, reaching ever deeper into the grassroots communities of each country to discover the world’s finest athletic talent in each and every sport. This was the central thesis of his article, “The Victory of Olympism,” which appeared in La Revue Sportive Illustrée in 1920. While he acknowledged that the opposition to Olympism continued to attack its function and reach, he proclaimed that they would not and could not stop it. He was right, although the challenges still persist, the quiet work of Olympism goes on today in more than 200 countries.
“Olympism is a great, quiet piece of machinery. Its gears do not screech and its movement never stops, despite the handfuls of sand that certain individuals throw on it in a persistent but unsuccessful attempt to impede its operation.”