Coubertin Quote for Jun, 29
(We) will continue our ascent toward the mount where we hope to build the temple, while a great fair will be held on the plain. The temple will endure, and the fair will pass. Fair or temple—sportsmen must make their choice ... let them choose!Share
From the beginning, Baron Pierre de Coubertin envisioned the Olympic Games as the pinnacle of global sport, sustained by a movement designed to unite the world in friendship and peace, a celebration set on the moral high ground of integrity, far above the raucous melee of sport driven only by the desire to win. As he retired from the IOC, he reminded his colleagues that their mission was to protect that vision, to guard the Olympic Movement from compromising the high principles upon which it was founded—in hopes the world’s greatest athletes would choose to follow them to the mountain top. Today’s quote in taken from the Baron’s speech at the Opening of the Olympic Congress in Prague’s City Hall in May of 1925.
“My colleagues and faithful friends will continue their ascent toward the mount where we hope to build the temple, while a great fair will be held on the plain. The temple will endure, and the fair will pass. Fair or temple—sportsmen must make their choice; they cannot expect to frequent both one and the other ... let them choose!”