Coubertin Quote for Nov, 30
Gradually sport has become more international, widening the sphere of action. The revival of the Games became possible, nay I may say, even necessary.Share
As the first modern Olympic Games in Athens came to a close in 1896, Baron Pierre de Coubertin had already drafted substantial portions of his contributions to the Official Report on the Games. Putting the advent of the modern Games into their proper historical context, the Baron acknowledged that the rising trends of international sport were well underway when he proposed the revival of the Olympics. Today’s quote is taken from “The Olympic Games B.C. 776. - A.D. 1896,” a portion of the Baron’s contribution to the Official Report of Athens 1896 Olympic Games. For a broader look at the original passage, please see the commentary for November 12.
“Gradually sport has become more international, exciting the interests and widening the sphere of action. The revival of the Olympic Games became possible, nay I may say, even necessary.”