Coubertin Quote for Sep, 05
… at certain historical epochs … physical exercise is called upon … to accomplish a task of renewal, of restoration, of general rigor. We are living in such an epoch.Share
Baron Pierre de Coubertin always sought to place the rise of international sport and the Olympic Movement in its proper historical context. As World War I was slowly moving toward its inexorable conclusion in 1918, he issued “Olympic Letter VIII: The Formation of Character.” He was seeking to rally his colleagues to help resurrect the Olympic Games once again, reminding them that they would soon be entering a new epoch of peace, the beginning of an era in which international sport could play a vital role in restoring and renewing our world.
“It is only at certain historical epochs that physical exercise is called upon by general consent to accomplish a task of renewal, of restoration, of general rigor. We are living in such an epoch.”