Coubertin Quote for Sep, 21
(Olympism) refuses to accept the existence of a deluxe education reserved for the wealthy classes, no shred of which should be handed out to the working classes.Share
Baron Pierre de Coubertin was uncompromising in his egalitarianism. He wanted the doors of the temple of education open to all classes, and grew angry when others held those doors shut to preserve class distinctions. In his view, sport served a far greater purpose than mere athletic activity, it was meant to create a more unified society and, of course, a better, more peaceful world. The link between sport and education in the Baron’s philosophy of Olympism was indelible, and that is the point he made in “Olympic Letter III: Olympism and Education,” which he wrote in 1918. Sport had to serve a social purpose through education. It could not be the preserve of the wealthy.
“(Olympism) refuses to accept the existence of a deluxe education reserved for the wealthy classes, no shred of which should be handed out to the working classes.”